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Missing On Hair Growth? 7 Essential Minerals And Vitamins For Hair Growth!

Missing On Hair Growth? 7 Essential Minerals And Vitamins For Hair Growth!

Research shows that vitamin and mineral deficiency may lead to excessive hair loss, but the intake of food and supplements improves hair regrowth. This article tells you everything you need to know about the minerals and vitamins that are vital for healthy hair regrowth.

What Studies Tell You About The Best Vitamins For Female Hair Loss

Hair grows in different phases, and each stage requires minerals and vitamins for hair growth. New hair clubs originate from the hair follicles and grow in 3-5 months before shedding, which is the ideal shedding time.

Every day, you lose 50-100 strands naturally. However, if the balance between the development time and the shedding time is disturbed, or if shedding overcomes the new hair strands, this results in hair loss. Hair loss is this imbalance in the hair life cycle, and in severe cases, it causes alopecia, resulting in hair loss in patches.

A typical hair growth cycle includes a resting phase known as the telogen phase, which lasts for 3-5 months, during which the hair needs extra pampering. During the resting stage, the hair is vulnerable to hair loss and needs vitamins and minerals to ensure healthy regrowth.

The excess hair loss for alopecia patients can be mitigated with health supplements and a healthy diet along with natural hair regrowth serums to regrow your hair

It’s important to rejuvenate the regrown hair and prevent it from shedding. You require a good deal of vitamins, minerals, and proteins to ensure a healthy hair development life cycle. Let’s take a look at the critical minerals and vitamins for hair growth, including the best vitamins for female hair loss.


These organic substances work jointly to ensure the healthy metabolic activities required for your hair regrowth. Let’s see the essential vitamins and then minerals for hair growth.


The B-vitamins require all of the attention when it comes to hair, especially biotin. Studies have confirmed that biotin is one of the best vitamins for female hair loss, due to its active role in improving hair structure and promoting healthy hair.

woman with hair in braids


Also known as Vitamin B7, biotin is a water-soluble vitamin of the B family. It converts some nutrients into energy by breaking down proteins into specific amino acids.

Your skin, hair, and nails are composed of a fundamental protein called keratin, and it’s biotin that improves keratin’s infrastructure. Biotin is naturally there in your diet in sufficient quantities. So, its deficiency is very rare. Studies proved that increased biotin and biotin product intake significantly impacts alopecia patients by increasing hair regrowth and reducing hair loss.

Other B-vitamins do not contribute any less to hair regrowth and development. They help with increasing blood circulation in the scalp, thus strengthening and moisturizing it. Biotin is also known for its healing effects, as it heals your heat-damaged hair during styling practices.

Vitamin A:

Vitamin A is considered to be one of the best vitamins for female hair loss because it helps with the secretion of a natural oil called sebum. Sebum is essential for keeping your hair moisturized and shiny, preventing a dry and itchy scalp. Sebum protects your hair from oxidative damage by acting as a barrier from pollutants. Sebum decreases hair breakage by traveling down the hair shaft.

Your follicles need some air to breathe by ensuring the free circulation of oxygen through the blood, and you need vitamin A to do this.

Vitamin C:

This vitamin, being a powerful antioxidant, reduces oxidative stress, which is the primary cause of hair aging.

Vitamin C also promotes the production of the essential protein collagen needed for providing strength and structure to your hair. Moreover, this vitamin is crucial for absorbing iron into your body.

Vitamin D3:

Vitamin D3 is believed to play an active role in developing hair follicles.

Studies show that the deficiency of vitamin D3 is found in some alopecia patients, although the role of vitamin D3 in hair growth is not known precisely.

Vitamin E:

Although an antioxidant like vitamin C, it proved itself to enrich hair regrowth through its anti-oxidative stress properties, allowing your hair to breathe.

The vitamin also acts as a barrier to hair by preventing UV radiation and retaining your hair’s moisture, adding it to the list of essential minerals and vitamins for hair growth.


Minerals are essential for hair regrowth and development like vitamins are. These elements support the functioning of processes that produce hair.


Anemia, which is caused by iron deficiency, significantly impacts hair loss. Iron is the major component of hemoglobin, which is an essential compound for carrying oxygen to your hair. And less oxygen supply to your follicles means more shedding.


Zinc regulates the production of dihydrotestosterone (DTH) in your body, which is one factor responsible for hair loss. The increased production of DTH hormones limits the supply of nutrients and oxygen to your scalp and follicles. Therefore, it’s necessary to maintain its level of hemoglobin control through sufficient zinc intake

Zinc also ensures healthy scalp tissues and the proper functioning of your hair follicles. 


Protein is the building block of hair. Therefore, your hair tissues need maintenance and repair from time to time. In addition, studies have proved that increased protein intake makes your follicles active. The follicles otherwise remain dormant in the case of protein deficiency.

woman on the floor with natural hair

New Healthy Hair Biotin Vitamins

Your hair needs maintenance and repair from within your body, too. Along with hair care products, it is recommended to supplement your diet with hair regrowth capsules, for these contain all of the best vitamins for female hair loss prevention.


Biotin and folic acid supplements come in the form of treats, too. You’ll find these biotin gummies easily consumable, and they do the job.

The Bottom Line Regarding Minerals and Vitamins For Hair Growth

There is enough evidence to say that vitamin and mineral deficiency in the body shows through excess hair loss. Taking vitamin- and mineral-rich food to provide your hair with enough minerals and vitamins for hair growth is important. However, it’s recommended that you consult your doctor before taking any supplements to avoid side effects. ✅

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